Blueprint Library Catalogue
Seasonal Guide Books
The Good news according to luke
This Seasonal Guide takes us on a journey through Luke. Each week, we encourage you to read two chapters. Week one is chapters 9 and 10, with this pattern continuing until the end of Lent when we arrive at the Ascension. Each week we have selected a small extract from these larger readings to reflect on together, and we’ve borrowed some helpful historical context from a well-respected theologian (Craig Keener) that we think will help us in understanding the world that Jesus lived in, and the deep significance his words had in their time.
Seasonal guide 2022 - VOL 2 - Pentecost
For the season of Pentecost, we are looking at different aspects of the Holy Spirit as one of power, who transforms us, who speaks to and through us, who reveals who God is, and equips us.
Seasonal guide 2022 - VOL1 - LENT
For the season of Lent, we have created a 6-week journey around the Stations of the Cross. These stations, usually represented by a series of images, invite us to walk with Jesus on the day of his death. This Seasonal Guide consists of six reflections on the Stations of the Cross to journey through each week of Lent.
5 Marks of mission that help us understand God’s mission in the world which we are invited into. Service, proclaiming, transforming, caring for creation and teaching are all important and grow together. Here we explore the marks through stories and reflections from our community & wider whānau
Seasonal Guide 2021 - Vol 2 - Led by the Spirit
For the Season of Pentecost we’ve created an 8 week journey around the stories of the Holy Spirit’s leading. Featuring stories from Re-New Communities and our Anglican whānau we hope this season will help us to discover the breadth of how the Holy Spirit speaks and leads us.
Seasonal Guide 2021 - Vol 1 - Lent
A guided reflection for the journey to Easter. Exploring the prophets, the ruins in our own lives, church history and within Aotearoa.
A four week guide exploring scripture and the stories of injustice in Wellington City.
Seasonal guide Volume 10 - Pentecost 2020
Throughout the year Blueprint journeys through the seasons of the church calender. We tailor make a guide for the different seasons we find ourselves in. Pentecost 2020 sees us exploring the different gifts of the Holy Spirit through the stories of friends in and around our community. Each week we reflect upon a different gifting. The guide will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one:
We don’t want to let Easter pass us by, and the lockdown means you aren’t spending the long weekend off on holiday somewhere. So here’s a guided way to spend your weekend with Jesus, reflecting upon the Cross and the good news that it brings.
A special shout out to Adele Ahlberg Calhoun’s book ‘Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform us’ from which the below is adapted and taken, to help shape our practice of silence, prayer and celebration.
During the COVID-19 Lockdown we have prepared a guided journey to reflect upon the strange season we find ourselves in.
These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection. Get in contact at if you’d like to join a reflection group during this season
Blueprint presents a nine-week series which goes through the basics of how to be a follower of Jesus. This booklet is intended as a reflection tool for the podcast guides below:
Apple Podcasts:
This year we are providing Blueprinters with a printed guide for the different seasons of the church calendar. These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one:
This year we are providing Blueprinters with a printed guide for the different seasons of the church calendar. These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one:
Seasonal Guide - Volume 5 - Lent
This year we are providing Blueprinters with a printed guide for the different seasons of the church calendar. These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one:
Seasonal Guide - Volume 4 - ADVENT
This year we are providing Blueprinters with a printed guide for the different seasons of the church calendar. These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one:
Seasonal Guide - Volume 3 - ORDINARY TIME
This year we are providing Blueprinters with a printed guide for the different seasons of the church calendar. These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one:
Seasonal Guide - Volume 2 - PENTECOST
This year we are providing Blueprinters with a printed guide for the different seasons of the church calendar. These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one:
Seasonal Guide - Volume 1 - Lent
This year we are providing Blueprinters with a printed guide for the different seasons of the church calendar. These will follow on from every Sunday message, and will be a great tool for personal devotion or group reflection.
We highly recommend grabbing a physical copy at a service, but here's a digital version for those who might need one: